Just installed Vector Linux 4.0. It's great! The installation's a piece of cake. I wasn't prompted to specify my mount points, though. But that's no biggie. When i rebooted the system, every app was set for me. Here are the programs: audio player: xmms text editor: vi, bluefish, nedit, & xedit word processor: abiword cd-writing software: xcdroast, cdrecord, etc browser: Moz Firebird email client: sylpheed graphic viewer/editor: xv, gqview file manager: xfe IM client: GAIM FTP client: gftp Window Manager: icewm, xfce, fluxbox ... I'm still exploring. But so far, it's great, fast. And this is just the free version.
Vector Linux 4.0
It's Oktoberfest!
Myrna invited me to go with them. She said they'll wait for me in front of EDSA Shangrila. I came, tho 15 minutes late. When i didn't see them, i went to see the event. What i saw surprised me. I can't even imagine being in there with hundreds of people. So i went back home.
When i told them that, they got mad. And now, they won't talk to me. This sucks!
I should've told them i won't come in the first place.
Emanuel Gardaya Calso
- Current Address
- 58 Road 7 Project 6, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1100
- Home Phone
- +63(2)4553222
- Website
- www.bloodpet.tk
- E-mail Address
- volrath [dot] shapeshifter [at] gmail [dot] com
- YM profile
- glowinthedarksnake
- ICQ #
- 178692178
- Registered Linux user #
- 287022
- Date of Birth
- 1983 October 25
- Height
- 5'7" -ish
- Weight
- (frequently changing)
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