Just ate at "Steak Side" with Jay-Reen. She took my prime rib, so i just settled for t-bone steak. It was nice... a bit overcooked but it tastes good.
I still haven't had any good sleep for a few days, i'm improving my templating scripts to automagically make an index file of the articles in a directory. It does what i expected, but it still has to accept more CGI input.
Next time, i'll use those scripts here, to test.
Two professors told me it's fine to make my SP an "Open Source Software for Operations Research Analysis". I'm gonna name it EMANS (Emans Mathematical Algorithms for Network Solutions)... hehe, another recursive name!
It'll be made up of modules that'll accept input from different front ends. Ofcourse, i still have to decide on or make my own file format, but that'll more/less be easy.