Right now, i'm reading an IP-Masquerade-HOWTO.

This is to make the other boxes here connect to the internet through this Linux Box. I've tried it before, but i was stuck configuring LOTS of files to no avail... hope this time it works.

Kewl! I saw an explanation of private IP addresses. Anyway, back to the HOWTO.

Got to reboot my system to see if /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall-2.4 would be executed with all OK's.

After rebooting. I ran the tests for IP Masquerade, and all was fine 'til i get to 5.7. Testing internal MASQ client to external MASQ server connectivity on a 'MASQed Linux client,' and up to 5.8. Testing external MASQ ICMP forwarding. The ping's just timed-out on both.

I also found the Linux IP Masquerade Resource website, it uses a free Redirection service. I also signed up for it.

Haven't successfully implemented IP Masquerading, but at least my WinXP box recognizes that i have an external connection.

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